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I have been treated by Kong for the past 4 years for everything from pregnancy to... stress and even bloating/ tummy upsets. I can't recommend him highly enough. He does Chinese herbs and the results are always amazing. Thank you Kong!

Amy B

15 May 2019

I was looking for a natural way to reduce the probability of post-term delivery as it is associated with more complications for the baby and mum. At the same time, hoping to deliver without epidural. We decided to go for TCM acupuncture as it is well-known to ensure on-term delivery and reduce delivery pain.


I had 1 session of acupuncture with Physician Kong weekly from gestational age of 36 weeks onwards. True enough, I had a pain-free (no epidural) delivery on 39+4. The labour took about 8 hours and I was still walking around the delivery ward (without any pain at all) till 8 cm dilation. Contraction only started when the water bag was burst. 3 hours later, the baby was out! Thank you, Physician Kong.


26 Mar 2018

I had chronic insomnia and was exhausted all the time. I also had chronic back and neck pain, and was feeling under pressure.


After treatment, my sleep improved tremendously. I had no longer insomnia. Immediately during and after the acupuncture and tuina session, I felt all the pressure was going away. What a relief ! I was very surprised to see how my back and neck pain could be reduced to none after Dr Kong‘s acupuncture, tuina massage and stretching. I always go to see Dr Kong before flying abroad and when I come back to help me manage jet lag and raise my immune system.


Dr Kong has been so efficient in helping me that I sent him my daughters who had sports injuries and exam stress, and I sent him all my friends who suffered from pain, exhaustion, too much pressure, insomnia, chronic pain, athletes who wanted to relax before a competition, pregnant friends ... All of them were very happy and relieved by Dr Kong and were very greatful that he could help them so effectively.  


14 Mar 2016

I have been experiencing neck pain and headaches for many years.  I have seen physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths.  Nothing has worked long term.


After three sessions of acupuncture I felt relief in my neck.  A huge decrease in the number of headaches and felt better in myself.


I highly recommend MacPherson TCM & Wellness Clinic.  The treatment and care given is second to none!

Amanda Ward

01 May 2018

I have visited Dr. Kong regularly for over a year for pre- and postnatal treatment. Acupuncture and massage has been hugely helpful in reducing nausea, stress and back pain. Dr. Kong is always attentive, professional and reassuring. I would thoroughly recommend Macpherson TCM as an alternative or complementary to other medical treatment during pregnancy.  

Jennifer Nurse

25 Nov 2017



06 Apr 2017

Before treatment:

Totally anxious, restless, insomnia, overactive


After treatment:

Released, peace feeling, very relaxed and total well being


Overall experience:

A very quiet unexpected place, clean and cosy, not freezing, nice smell of lavender in the treatment room with quiet classical music and no disturbance. No pain during needle treatment which were placed right and gave me immediate sense of relaxation.


I recommend it warmly!

Christel Adnet

06 Jun 2017

For two months, I had severe pain on my neck and shoulder where I consulted chiropractor, chinese tuina and sports massage. The pain still affected my daily life, work and sleep. 

By chance I passed by Macpherson TCM & Wellness clinic and thought of giving it a try. After three sessions of acupuncture plus therapeutic massage, there was significant improvement and I was fully recovered after my fourth session. 

Kong Yok Wah

04 Sep 2016

I first started visiting Dr Kong in June 2015 when he was practicing in Rochester Park. At the time I wasn't feeling 100% - feeling tired, suffering from headaches, earache, dizziness, neck and back discomfort. After consultation, I started a 10-week programme with Dr Kong for acupuncture and massage treatments. These visits were extremely beneficial improving my symptoms, relieving pressure and giving me more energy.


I have continued to visit Dr Kong at his new practice, MacPherson TCM and Wellness Clinic, regularly when I feel I need the benefits of some acupuncture and massage. 


Dr Kong, and his colleagues, are always professional, attentive and caring. I would highly recommend Dr Kong and the Team at MacPherson TCM and Wellness Clinic, as it is a very professionally run clinic with a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Wendy Toomey

21 Oct 2016

I am very pleased to be able to write this testimonial in relation to our Tai Chi Master Kong Swee Siew. Kong has been training my wife Wendy and I for the past twelve weeks in Shaolin Soft Fist Martial Arts. Each week Kong has patiently worked with us for one hour on the thirteen different moves and then has strung the moves together to link as one longer flowing movement.

Kong has great attention to detail ensuring that all movements are both accurate in execution and graceful in delivery. He does not miss a trick. If your feet are not correctly positioned he points it out and shows you again, if your arms are not in the right position he corrects and shows over and over again until it is correct. He will look at posture, how your legs are positioned always ensuring you are pointed in the right direction to complete the move. 

Kong gives very clear demonstrations and explanations of what the poses look like to begin with so you can see the big picture and end result. He then breaks each move down into bite sized chunks so that bit by bit you can build on the steps so as to finally complete the move. 

We would highly recommend Kong as a very skilful Martial Arts teacher but also as a very thoughtful trainer who has a complete willingness to help where help is needed and he never comes across as having to rush as class, always having his students at the forefront ensuring they feel comfortable with the pace and are learning accordingly.

My wife and I have very busy schedules and did not always have the time to practise as we should have during the week but this did not seem to faze Kong. Kong made videos for us to assist and help us remember the steps. He also made us write down the moves in detail and also write down where we felt we needed more focus. He is an incredibly courteous and engaging person whom we would highly recommend. 

Brendan Toomey

21 Oct 2016

Before treatment, I had palpitation, frequent headaches, and my digestion is not always very good - I had balloon feeling in my belly. My overall energy is not optimal, feeling to be 75% of my capacity. After treatment, I feel so relaxed! I feel lighter in the belly, and better general feeling. Overall experience is VERY GOOD!


15 Sep 2016

治疗前: 不常排便,一个星期三四次;睡眠不好,半夜常醒两次。

治疗后: 自从针灸之后很顺畅,天天排便;自从针灸之后比较少醒了,偶尔会醒。



Ang Seow Eng

12 Oct 2016




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